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Why Social Impact?

We all have a social responsibility, and we all have the capacity to help our community in some way, no matter how big or small. The time to create a positive social impact is now, and as a business owner, you can pave the way. Businesses have a responsibility to consider the social and environmental impact of their operations and to strive for sustainable and equitable growth for all stakeholders.

Our Social Mandate

Social Impact Initiative Corporate Services Inc knows the value of community, and we know that a healthy community is comprised of several factors like:


  • Access to physical and mental healthcare

  • Education and training opportunities

  • Equity and inclusion

  • Economic opportunities

  • Strong social connections and peer support

  • Community partnerships


As such, we are committed to supporting our local communities by directing 1.75% of net profits to community organizations to foster the evolution of community wellness, through (but not limited to):


  • Community group empowerment opportunities (funding and/or facilitating)

  • Active SI2 staff volunteerism

  • The development of an educational scholarship program

  • Advocating for and creating awareness surrounding mental health and wellbeing

  • 10 % of our Not-for-Profit services donated in-kind (tax receipt issued)


Together, through action, we can make these priorities a reality.

Young Volunteers

Earn revenue. Create lasting impact.

Social Entrepeneurship

Do you want your business to generate wealth or to help better society? We are here to tell you that you can do both! Whether you are a for-profit business or a not-for-profit organization, it is possible to generate revenue while working towards helping a social cause. These two concepts are not mutually exclusive.

The Statistics

Numbers speak volumes.

In 2019, Startup Canada issued a Canadian Entrepreneur Census. Through this census, it was found that:

  • 54% of respondents would consider converting their businesses into a social enterprise

  • 80% would consider partnering with a business or charity to advance social and environmental impact

Social Enterprise

Like traditional businesses, social enterprises aim to turn a profit. However, they go beyond this by also tackling social issues whether they are mental health-based, environmental, pertaining to youth and seniors, etc.

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The United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. They cover a wide range of interconnected issues that affect all of us. Achieving these goals will require the collective efforts of governments, civil society, the private sector, and individuals around the world.


As a company, SI2 Corporate Services Inc has consciously aligned our business practices and social mandate to support the initiatives of the SDGs with a particular focus on Good Health and Well-being, Gender Equality, Reduced Inequalities, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. Above all, we recognize the importance of Partnerships for the Goals. We ALL have a role to play.


For more information, please click here.

The United Nations' 17 Sustainability Goals

Social Impact

A company partnering with local organizations to improve the community and address social issues such as poverty or education
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